Candidate Scorecard


 -,2020 Political Candidate Support Survey Results


Question # 1

Would you support a conservative medical cannabis law similar to Oklahoma?

If no, what concerns do you have that prevent you from supporting a conservative medical cannabis law?

Question #2

Would you support decriminalizing the adult personal possession, use, and cultivation of cannabis?

If no, what concerns do you have that prevent you from supporting decriminalization for cannabis?




Name – Answer #1, Answer #2 – Comment


Chesnut, Tim – Yes, Yes –

Absolutely yes to both questions.


Grimes, Jackie – Yes, Yes –

I would actually support both.




Bear, Tim – Yes, No –

I do support medical but worry about legalization due to all the bad things that come with it. I would like more information on the subject.


Edwards, Roy

From past conversations: Yes


Fortner, Bill – Yes, Yes


Hallinan, Tim

From past votes: Yes


Huskinson, Lynne – Yes, Yes –

I believe we should legalize cannabis.  I support legalizing cannabis both medical and recreational. I think we should be emptying jails and prisons for anyone incarcerated for cannabis charges.  Yes decriminalize it and let’s utilize this revenue source.  With our state is in a financial quandary, we should take full advantage of this revenue stream. I believe Wyoming should support change and stop being late to the plate on everything.



McKeown, Troy

From past conversations: Yes




Neiman, Chip

According to residents: He is against any legalization of cannabis.




Bouchard, Anthony – Yes –

Medical is a good move.  The obstacle is the medical community will push synthetic THC.


Duncan, Shelly – Yes, Yes –

First, it depends on the bill & it’s details.  Personally, I’m in favor of decriminalization.  Currently, we are working on the hemp industry here in Goshen county & the regulation is any THC level above.3 tests hot must be destroyed.  We are growing for the fiber & there is no room for adjustment or averages.  The marajiuana industry is 15% THC.  We can utilize our products for building materials or fabrics yet due to the problems with fear of criminalization & to low of % we’re at a stand still for an opportunity to diversify our economy in an agricultural community.



Bouchard, Anthony – Yes –

Medical is a good move. The obstacle is the medical community will push synthetic THC.


Burlingame, Sara – Yes, Yes –

Yup – I support both; thanks for asking!


Kindred, Marcie – Yes, Yes –

Yes on both counts.


Martinez Romero, John – yes, yes


Spieker, Amy – Yes, Yes –

I think there is enough evidence of the benefit to some patients that I would support legislation of medical marijuana.  I also believe that the disproportionate experience of arrests among people of color warrant a serious look at decriminalization.


Wallesch, Britney – Yes, Yes –

In general, I think we send people to jail or prison far more than is necessary, and that doing so does not really help people or society.  Marijuana has the potential to create a significant revenue stream, and we already know that WY money is going out of state to buy it, so there is logic in trying to keep that money here.  I lean heavily in favor of these bills, but I would like to see tied to them some funding allocation for substance abuse and mental health prevention programs too.


Zwonitzer, Daniel – Yes, Maybe –

Yep.  I brought medical marijuana bill 4 years ago.  Lost in committee by one vote.

Not sure where I’d fall on the decriminalization.  Likely very low-level for any type of possession, but something more stringent on distribution.  I don’t think people who buy reasonable amounts, say for a month, in Colorado, should be penalized.




Anderson, Jim – Yes, No –

#1 In favor of medical.

#2 Feels it causes problems, so not in favor until the law is written more correctly.


Harshman, Steve – No, Possible –

#2 Possible depending on how the bill was written.


MacGuire, Joe – Hung up on caller and did not answer anymore.  We will take that as a no to both questions.


O’Hearn, Kevin – No, No –

#1 No, but if a majority could convince me I would vote yes.

#2 If there was a medical marijuana law, there would be no sense in having it be legal.


Scott, Charles – No, No –

#1 Causes more abuse, more criminals.

#2 Agrees that smaller penalties for small amounts.


Walters, Tom – Doesn’t answer survey questions.




Cooper, Ed – Maybe, No –

I will have to look at the legislation and weigh the issue at the time.

I look at the devastating results of legalization in Colorado and know that we do not want that direction in Wyoming.  As far as decriminalization, currently if a kid gets caught for controlled substance, the fine is a hundred or two.  It the same kid gets caught with beer the fine is about $450.  Medical marijuana?  At this point, I will need more education on the subject.

– Ed


French, Tim – No, No –


Laursen, Dan – No, No


Livingston, Theresa – Yes, Yes –

“Wow is that a long law.  I would rather support the legalization of cannabis.  Fewer people in jail – easier for those that need it medically to obtain.  I think eventually it will be legalized in the USA, which will be easier for everyone.  Federal employees now can’t use it even if it legal in their state because they are under federal law.  We allow alcohol with restrictions, age & driving, etc.




Newsome, Sandy – Yes, Yes –

I believe that there is medical value to cannabis. I have stated that I am in favor of medical cannabis as long as we adequately regulate the distribution. We can learn much from other state regulation. Thank you for your question.


Shinkle Levi – Yes, Yes –

“I’m not too familiar with Oklahoma’s medical cannabis law, but I would support the use of medical cannabis in Wyoming.  I think the evidence for cannabis’s ability to help with a wide array of medical conditions warrants more study and trials.  I do support the decriminalization, legalization, regulation, and taxation of marijuana, in a manner similar to that of tobacco or alcohol.  To that effect, I’d also like to see and support fresh start legislation for one-time offenders of current marijuana laws who have been negatively impacted. “


Williams, Rachel – No, No –

Thank you for your email.  I do not support the use of any cannabis products for human consumption that are not approved by the FDA.  The marijuana cultivation and commercialization industry has a dark side that concerns me.  The environmental impact this industry has on the lands and natural resources of western states is alarming.

I do not support decriminalizing the adult personal possession, use and cultivation of cannabis.  I support the Wyoming Republican Party platform.  More about my stance on other issues can be found on my website.  Regards,Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, M.S.



Anselmi-Dalton, Liisa   –  Yes, Yes –

I am in favor and would support a conservative medical cannabis law similar to OK and would support decriminalization of medical marijuana and similar products.  I have a lot of people I know who use these products.   The problem is the definition in WY statutes of marihuana as leafy green and we get into the debate of whether it is a heavy brownie or not so heavy and how much THC is in it.  I don’t like throwing people in jail for small amounts as there is little benefit to society to having non-violent offenders locked up, particularly if they cannot afford bail (and that is another part of the story).

Senator Liisa Anselmi-Dalton

Senate District 12

Baker, Mark – Yes, Yes –

My answers to both questions are yes, I support both.


Baldwin, Fred – Yes, No –

I do support medical marijuana as regulated in Oklahoma.

I do not support decriminalized use of marijuana or recreational use as I believe we would face much the same problem as we have with alcohol although I consider alcohol to be the much greater evil.


Banks, Chad – Yes, Yes –

Gut reaction is to be supportive, but will look at the Oklahoma law.  Would support a law to legalize. Supports the concept of decriminalization but not 100% sure due to federal issues. Sees a larger criminal justice issue.


Blake, Stan          Yes         Yes

Stan said he would support both medical and recreational marijuana, but would want to penalize driving while under the influence.  He said he is not familiar with the OK law.  He supports decriminalization and would expunge immediately the criminal records of anyone currently being incarcerated.

Heiner, Scott – Maybe, No –

I may not be a good one to carry the Cannabis banner for you. While I believe that the medicinal use should be explored more, it can be miss-used if legislation is not very thorough. I believe there are instances when the medicinal use of Marijuana is warranted, but I see too often that once legislation is passed to allow medicinal use, it becomes difficult to regulate.


Kolb John – Yes, Yes –

Has no issue with medical marijuana. Has not read the OK law, but would consider if controlled and defined. License and legalize.

Would support “decriminalization” of medical marijuana by making it legal. Would consider a package that worked for our region across state lines (for medicinal).


Lindsey, Travis  – Yes, Possible –

1.  Yes. I would support a conservative medical cannabis law.  2.  I am still undecided on decriminalization, but it is something I would be willing to consider. I would need to see exact details of changes before making a decision.




Yen, Mike – Yes, Yes –

I’m in favor of full recreational legalization.  I’m also in favor of any step on the way to that whether it’s medical or decriminalization.

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